
This blog tell about earthly paradise tourism in the world. You can choose which beautiful place for your great vacation

Friday, August 31, 2012

Tangkuban Perahu

Tangkuban Tangkuban Parahu or boat is one of the mountain is located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. About 20 km to the north of the city of Bandung, with a lush carpet of pine trees and nearby tea gardens, mountain Tangkuban Parahu have as high an altitude 2084 meters. The form of this mountain is the center of the eruption Stratovulcano move from east to west. Rock types are mostly excreted in the eruption of lava and sulfur, a mineral that is issued sulfur sulfur, a mineral that was issued when the mountain is not active sulfur vapor. Tangkuban area managed by the Housing Boat Forestry. The average daily temperature is 17oC during the day and 2 ° C at night.

Safari Park

Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) belokasi Village Cibeureum Cisarua District, is a recreational vehicle that was quite interesting to visit. Many interesting objects contained in many areas of collecting various types of animals, among them, a safari park, a bird park, animal education show, prmates & reptiles, babby zoo, Ferris wheel, elephant and horse riding, safari trek, caravan & hotels and wild-wild west.

Jatiluhur Reservoir is located in District Jatiluhur, Purwakarta regency, West Java (± 9 km from the city center Purwakarta). Jatiluhur Dam is the largest dam in Indonesia. The dam was named by the government Reservoir Ir. H. Juanda, with a panoramic view of the lake which covers 8300 ha. The dam was built in 1957 by a French contractor, with the potential available water of 12.9 billion m3 / year and is the first multipurpose dam in Indonesia.
In the Jatiluhur Reservoir, built 6 units of turbines with 187 MW installed power to electric power production average of 1,000 million kWh per year, is managed by Perum Jasa Tirta II.
Apart from that Jatiluhur Reservoir has the function of supplying irrigation water to 242,000 hectares of rice fields (planting twice a year), raw water drinking water, aquaculture and flood control are managed by Housing Services Trita II.
Besides functioning as hydropower with runoff system in the world, the region has many recreational facilities Jatiluhur adequate, are like hotels and bungalows, bar and restaurant, tennis courts, billiard, campground, swimming pool with water slide, meeting rooms, recreational facilities and water sports , playground and other facilities. Water sports and recreation facilities such as kayaking, windsurfing, boat cruises, water skiing, boating and more.
In the waters of Lake Jatiluhur there are also floating net fish farming, which is the main attraction. At the time of the day or in the stillness of the night we could induce calmness while enjoying grilled fish.

Bogor Botanical Garden (Kebun Raya Bogor)

Bogor Botanical Gardens (Indonesia) was originally a part of the 'samida' (artificial artificial forest or park) the government does not already exist in Sri Baduga Maharaja (King Siliwangi, 1474-1513) of the Kingdom of Sunda, as stated in the inscription Batutulis. Artificial forest is intended for the purposes of protecting the environment as a place to nurture the seeds seeds rare wood. In addition it is also samida samida similar in Cianjur border with Bogor (Forest Ciung Vanara). The forest is then left after the defeat of the Kingdom of Sunda Sultanate of Banten, to the Governor-General van der Capellen built home in one of the corners in the middle of the 18th century.
In the early 1800s the Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffles, who inhabit the Bogor Palace and had a great interest in botany, interested in developing the Bogor Palace yard into a beautiful garden. With the help of the botanist, W. Kent, who helped build Kew Garden in London, Raffles courtyard conjure a classic English-style garden. This is the beginning of Bogor Botanical Garden in its current form.

Curug Luhur

Enjoy the natural beauty and the cool mountain air is the right choice to fill the holiday weekend.
One of the natural attractions that can be visited are Curug Sublime. Sublime waterfall is one of the natural attractions are located in the village of Gunung Malang, Malang Mountain District, Bogor regency, West Java, Indonesia.
Here you can wash your hands or feet while enjoying the freshness of the typical mountain water. Arriving at the main site you will see two waterfalls are located parallel. That said, actually in this region there is only one main waterfall. However, locals make a new branch in the river and twisted it so as to create a new waterfall.

Parai Tenggiri Coast

Parai Beach Sungailiat located in the city, 40 km to the north of the city of Kuala Pinang. The beach is providing unique charm and luxury that exist on the island of Bangka, Indonesia. Parai Beach mackerel are located in the area Matras, precisely in the small bay flanked rock. At first, people called this beach River as Liat Hakok beach location then as mackerel beach.
Parai Beach is the most beautiful beach of the eastern coast dideretan Bangka Island. Since the first when he was called Hakok, this beach is the most popular area for local people dikunjunggi. There are many rocks on this beach, like a very beautiful natural decorations.
At the left end of the beach, there is a cluster of rocks in order to slick and called Rock Island. At night, visitors can relax while enjoying a delicious meal and a drink bar, while listening to the waves hit the rocks

Tanjung Pesona Coast

Tanjung Pesona coast is located in the village of Rambak, District Sungailiat. Located 9 km from the city Sungailiat Bangka regency, Indonesia. The beach is located in the middle of nowhere between the Gulf Coast and Coastal Uber Tikus. This beach has a panoramic view of the high seas, on a headland with a large rock.
The beach is also equipped with tourist facilities, with the classification of three-star hotel. if Seeing the sea, this beach has beautiful scenery, the sea is quite calm untukberenang, but unfortunately if you look to the side of the beach is not natural and is not maintained anymore impressed. For those of you who want to enjoy the sea breeze under the trees, the beach is nice enough to visit

Trikora Coast

Trikora coast about 25 kilometers in length it has a beautiful view. Trikora Beach is located in the village of  Malang Rapat, District of Gunung Kijang, about 45 kilometers east of the City of Tanjungpinang, Sumatra, Indonesia. Along the white sandy beaches covered with thousands of coconut trees and other trees (mangroves). In addition, around the coast there are also large stones that add to the beauty of the beach. The stones are often used by visitors to the beach for sunbathing or fishing.
In some parts of the coast there are many Trikora vending stalls, food and small lodges as a place of lodging. In front of the shop and its pendok shore islands seemed that some of them small and uninhabited. Meanwhile, in the middle of the ocean there are many kelong made ​​of wood with palm leaf roof, which serves as a tool to catch fish or bleary.

Thunder Falls Gemurai (Guruh Gemurai Waterfall)

Gemurai Thunder Falls is one of the attractions that exist in Kuantan District Singingi is about 23 KM from the center of the Gulf of Kuantan, Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia. The beauty of this waterfall memeberikan comfort and tranquility for visitors. Thunder name Gemurai taken from the local area, which means thunder roar (waterfall sound intended), while Gemurai are scattered spray. So waterfalls thunder Gemurai means waterfall sound sparks (drink offering) rumble. Thunder Falls Gemurai also a mainstay attraction besides Singingi Kuantan District Runway line capable of attracting the attention of local and international tourist

Kerinci Mountain

Mount Kerinci (also spelled "Kerintji", and is known as the Mountain Tower, Volcano Kurinci, Kerinchi, Korinci, or Indrapura Peak) is the highest mountain in Sumatra, Indonesia's highest volcano and the highest peak in Indonesia outside of Papua. Mount Kerinci located in Bukit Barisan Mountains, near the west coast, and is located approximately 130 km south of Padang. The mountain is surrounded by dense forests of Kerinci Seblat National Park and is the habitat of Sumatran tigers and Sumatran rhinos.
The summit of Mount Kerinci is at altitude 3805 masl, here visitors can see beautiful scenery in the distance spanned provincial city, Padang and Bengkulu. Even the vast Indian Ocean can be seen clearly. Mount Kerinci has a crater measuring 400 x 120 meters and contains green-colored water. In the east there is a lake Bento, clear watery swamp highest in Sumatra. Behind him there is a mountain with a crater seven exquisite virtually untouched.
Mount Kerinci is a type of volcano is still active stratovolcano that last erupted in 2009. A very lovely place to visit enjoy the cool nature.

Kerinci Lake

Lake Kerinci have a flat surface is almost flat on the ground at the edge. There is a wide-spreading fields on the banks of the lake, which is said to be the supplier of rice to the area of Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Visit the lake in the morning, if lucky, will see a group of white storks flying and foraging in perswahan.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Samosir Island

Samosir Island is a volcanic island in the middle of Lake Toba in North Sumatra province. An island within an island with an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level make this island into an island that attract tourists.
Tuktuk is the concentration of a tourist center on the island of Samosir. From Parapat, Tuktuk can be connected to the ferry crossing. Besides air transport, Samosir Island can also be reached by land through the Pangururan where Samosir Island and the island of Sumatra in touch.
Samosir Island itself is located within the newly expanded Samosir regency in 2003 from the former-Toba Samosir regency.
On the island there are also two small lakes as a tourist area that Sidihoni Lake and Lake Aek Natonang who earned the nickname "the lake on the lake".

Toba Lake

Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island. Lake Toba has long become an important tourist destination in North Sumatra in addition to Bukit Lawang and Nias, attract domestic and foreign tourists. Estimated that Lake Toba explosion occurred at about 73000-75000 years ago and an eruption Supervolcano (super volcano) the most recent. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimate that volcanic materials spewed out the mountain as much as 2800 km ³, with 800 km ³ of rock overlies and 2,000 km ³ of volcanic ash which is expected in the wind to the west for 2 weeks. Volcanic dust in the wind has spread to half the earth, from China to South Africa. Explosion occurred during 1 week and throw the dust up to 10 km above sea level.

Si Piso Piso Waterfall

When someone visiting North Sumatra, they must be the premier tourist destination of Lake Toba.
Sipiso-piso waterfall was located on the shores of Lake Toba, unfortunately, a very interesting attraction is less visited by tourists because of its location on the edge of town Parapat different, where tourists usually visit.
Sipiso-piso located north of Lake Toba, about 24 kilometers from Kabanjahe, North Sumatra, Indonesia. This waterfall is the highest in Indonesia with an altitude of 120 meters. Sipiso-piso waterfall made ​​from an underground river in the Karo plateau that runs through a cave in the side of the crater of Lake Toba. The view was incredible waterfall. The falls are small but high fall between greenish cliff.

Sibayak Mountain

Sibayak mountain is a mountain overlooking the city Brastagi in North Sumatra. Karo Batak people call the mountain Sibayak with sebutuan "mountain king". Sibayak mountain is an active volcano and last erupted in 1881. The mountain is located at about 50 kilometers southwest of the city of Medan, Indonesia.

Waterfalls two colors

You are enjoying the turbulent waterfalls and feel the cool water? Generally waterfall located in the highlands with cool clear water nan translucent color. You will feel a different sensation that has become a popular tourist attraction broad community of North Sumatra, Indonesia, the water color Dwi Falls.
Dwi Named Colors because the water that falls from the top to the bottom of the waterfall looks light blue and grayish-white. Two colors is due to dissolved phosphorus or sulfur and lime in a waterfall cliff. The view is very rarely found elsewhere. Basic blue waterfall white mix makes this place the scenery was amazing.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Batakan Beach

Batakan beach located in the village Batakan, District Panyipatan, Sea Land District (Tala), about 125 kilometers east of the city of Banjarmasin (the capital of South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia). To reach the beach Batakan, from the city of Banjarmasin is relatively easy because the road conditions are good enough. Although the course meanders up and down, but it presents a beautiful natural scenery in the form of rows of verdant hills, the yellow expanse of rice fields, as well as a fishing village located on the waterfront.
Batakan Beach is a tourist attraction with an integrated marine mountain scenery, because the east there are hills that are part of the Pine Mountain Meratus. In this beach visitors can surround the beach while using a rented horse, relax under the pine trees while enjoying the beauty of the beach, or watch the scenery, especially when the sun will set (sunset).

Datu Island

Datu Island (Pamulutan Datu Island) is a small island located near the beach Batakan, sub Panyipatan, Land Sea, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Named Datu island because the island there is the grave of a datu (Sunan / spreading Islam), known as Datu Pamulutan, who once had a penchant for capturing birds with birdlime (sap).
Datu Island is located 7 miles north of the Southern Cape.
Beautiful island located in the district of Tanah Panyipatan Sea it is well worth visiting. His position was in the middle of the sea, offering a very beautiful landscape.

Kaget Island

Kaget island located in the middle of the Barito river included in the district administrative Tabunganen, Barito Kuala, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.It's located near the mouth of the Barito river. Kaget Island was designated as a nature reserve by decree. Minister of Agriculture. 788/Kptsum11/1976 with an area 85 ha. The island's natural condition is critical because of the felling of trees, especially trees RAMBAI rice is a food source for the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus). Proboscis Monkey is a mascot fauna of South Kalimantan province.
Kaget Island is home to a long nose monkey (proboscis) and several species of birds. It's region is also one of the attractions that are in the forest in Barito Kuala district.

Kembang Island

Kembang island located in the middle of the Barito river included in the districts Alalak, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan province, Indonesia, providing habitat for long-tailed macaques
Kembang Island is located to the west of the city of Banjarmasin. Flower Island designated as forest tour
It is a habitat for long-tailed macaques (monkeys) and several species of birds. Flower island region is also one of the attractions that are in the forest in Barito Kuala district.
In the forest there are altar type designated as a place to put the offering for "guard" Flower Island symbolized by two concrete statues white monkey (Hanuman), the community of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia who have a certain vow or vows.
A male goat horns gilded normally released into the jungle island of Flowers if a request was successful or fulfilled
According to the story, Kembang island from British ships were destroyed by the Biaju in the 1750s on the orders of Sultan Banjar. Ex-vessel debris was gradually overgrown with trees and turned into an island which was then inhabited by a bunch of monkeys. The villagers who were around the island recently assumed that the monkeys are manifestations taking sarungan apes. The group was led by a monkey a monkey a very large white
Monkeys in the region, amounting to thousands, are very familiar with the visitors. Usually when the tourists come to visit, the monkeys were much of a wait at the dock, waiting for the tourists to give them foods such as bananas, beans, etc.

Clock Tower (Jam Gadang)

Clock Tower is a tower building towering majestically, distinctive Minangkabau roof, located in the town of Bukittinggi, Indonesia. Clock Tower is a landmark and symbol of the city of Bukittinggi, built on a hill called the Mount Enclosure Buffalo at the time of the Dutch Government in 1827 by Contraleur (Secretary) Rook Maker.

From the top of the tower we can enjoy and see how beautiful nature around the town of Bukittinggi is decorated Mount Merapi, Mount Singgalang, Mount Sago and Sianok Canyon. In addition, the Clock Tower is also useful as a guide for communities to know the time. It is unique in the Clock Tower is the number 4 is written IIII.

Floating Market tour Muara Kuin

South Kalimantan, Indonesia there are hundreds of rivers became an important transportation route. The tourist attractions were resting on the river, such as the floating market Estuary Kuin at this Banjarmasin.
Floating Market Kuin Estuary is a traditional floating market is located on the river at the mouth of the Barito river Kuin, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. The merchants and buyers to use boats, boats in a language called Banjar. This market started after Fajr prayer until after 9 am.
The specialty in this market is still in frequent barter transactions between traders boating in the language called Banjar bapanduk. Women traders (hamlet) to boaters sell their own production, while the second hand purchase from the hamlet to resell called panyambangan.
Banjarmasin as the capital of the province is the center of commerce and tourism. Banjarmasin city got the nickname City of Niagara because the location of land a few inches feet below sea level. Banjarmasin, has an area of ​​about 72 km per side or about 0.22 percent of total area of ​​South Kalimantan.

Derawan Island

Derawan Islands is an archipelago located in Berau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. On the island there are a number of charming nautical tourism, one of them a desirable Underwater Parks foreign tourists, especially the world-class divers.
Derawan Islands has three districts namely, Derawan Island, Maratua, and the Big Dipper Big Dipper, Berau.
At least four of the famous islands in the archipelago, the island Maratua, Derawan, Sangalaki and occupied Kakaban endangered green and hawksbill turtles.
Geographically, it is located on a peninsula north sea waters of Berau District consists of several islands, namely Pulau Panjang, Raburabu Island, Samama Island, Island Sangalaki, Kakaban, Nabuko Island, Island Maratuadan Derawan Island reef as well as some Muaras charred, scorched Pinaka, Hirst Buliulin, Masimbung scorched and charred Tababinga.
Derawan Islands there are several small islands and coastal ecosystems is very important that coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves (mangroves). In addition, many species are protected Derawan islands such as green turtles, hawksbill turtles, whales, dolphins, clams, coconut crabs, mermaids, fish, barracuda and a few other species.
Derawan Islands has been nominated to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Surfing and Beach Holidays in Mentawai

Mentawai Islands regency capital of Old Pejat - Sipora is approximately 135 km from the city of Padang Sumatra Indonesia can be reached by sea takes between 6-10 hours. In addition to have the beautiful beach with white sand, marine attractions or tourist activity is the famous surfing activities (surfing) to do around the island of Siberut and Sipora. Accommodations for visitors are in some city districts and sub-districts.

Root Bridge South Coast (Jembatan Akar Pesisir Selatan)

Located about 30 minutes from Painan, Root Bridge is one of the most unique attractions in West Sumatra - Indonesia. The bridge that crosses the river shadow life is made of two Bohon banyan roots interlocked. Unlike bridges in general are growing weaker, with increasing age the root bridge banyan tree growing stronger. It is said that this bridge was designed by a scholar named Pakih Sokan in the early 1900's.

Langkisau Hill

Langkisau hill has an altitude of 1,000 feet, located between the Village and Town Painan-Salido South Coast Sumatra Indonesia. Besides being able to enjoy spectacular views of the sea, the hills Langkisau also used as a sports kite flying with its landing on the beach or beach Carocok Salido.

Sikuai Island

An island located on the west side of the island of Sumatra - Indonesia is located only about a half mile northeast of the city of Padang and can be achieved using a special transport ship and takes about 35 minutes left of the pier airud Bungus. Visitors can stay at the island resort facilities that include two-star hotel. The resort provides 21 units cottages with a capacity of about 45 rooms. Besides enjoying the beauty of the coastal and marine tourism, trekking around the island or explore the natural forest to climbing can also be done by visitors who love nature adventure.

Harau Valley

It is a nature reserve with a steep limestone hill with a height of 100 to 150 m, located 14 km from Payakumbuh - Sumatera - Indonesia. Here also encountered five waterfalls are always devotes its clear water. In this place for camping facilities are also available for tourism activities surrounding youth and nature reserves along the path. Planned nature reserve will be the first wildlife park outside Java.

Pagaruyung palace

The palace was built by the royal family that has Batusangkar Pagaruyung in typical Minangkabau. In the palace there are relics of the kingdom which is still well preserved, around this palace that we can enjoy the beauty of nature with the cool air, located in the district of Tanah Datar Golden Horn. Pagaruyung is the location of the residence of the King of Minangkabau as the center of government. House just now is there is a replica of the original palace with paintings on the outside walls and roof of the towering shape of buffalo horns.

Beautiful grotto (Ngalau Indah)

Two miles before entering the town from the direction Bukitinggi Sumatera Indonesia Payakumbuh we'll get to a natural cave with stalagnit and stalagmites on the cave ceiling is quite interesting. In the cave, we will hear the sound of bats flying around us and feel without being able to see it. Outside the cave we will enjoy the garden with shady trees add to the coolness and beauty of nature

Morning dew

Before reaching Maninjau we will pause at Morning Dew in the village of Padang Arena 24 km from Bukittinggi Sumatera Indonesia.  Enjoy the cool and comfortable while looking Maninjau beauty with blue waters and surrounded by verdant hills

Anai Resort Golf Course

Anai Resort is located 550 m above sea level. Is the best Golf Course in West Sumatra International status with 18 holes designed by International Golf Designer Thomas and Perret. Various facilities are on-site bungalow like a natural pool and restaurant

Tunnel (cave) Japan

The tunnel is 1,400 meters in length over the winding is made by Japanese soldiers during the period of 1942, is located in the middle of the park in the canyon panorama Sianok under the town of Bukittinggi, with a width of 2 meters. Inside the cave there are different purposes for office space, hospitals, food and weapons. The entrance of the cave there are some places, like in the canyon Sianok, in Panorama, in addition to the Bung Hatta Palace and Dublin Zoo. The local people call this is a Japanese hole.6. Anai Resort Golf Course.

Lake Above and Below

Both lakes are known as Twin Lakes. Both lakes are located in the village of Simpang Market, District Lembayang Jaya district. Solok Sumatra Indonesia, located approximately 47 km from the city of SMF and 56 km from the city of Padang. The uniqueness of the twin lakes is to get to the lake on top, we have to go through that path to get to the lake decreased while Below, we have to go through a climbing path. Around the lake planted passion fruit with a sweet taste, vegetables, and potatoes.