
This blog tell about earthly paradise tourism in the world. You can choose which beautiful place for your great vacation

Friday, August 31, 2012

Jatiluhur Reservoir is located in District Jatiluhur, Purwakarta regency, West Java (± 9 km from the city center Purwakarta). Jatiluhur Dam is the largest dam in Indonesia. The dam was named by the government Reservoir Ir. H. Juanda, with a panoramic view of the lake which covers 8300 ha. The dam was built in 1957 by a French contractor, with the potential available water of 12.9 billion m3 / year and is the first multipurpose dam in Indonesia.
In the Jatiluhur Reservoir, built 6 units of turbines with 187 MW installed power to electric power production average of 1,000 million kWh per year, is managed by Perum Jasa Tirta II.
Apart from that Jatiluhur Reservoir has the function of supplying irrigation water to 242,000 hectares of rice fields (planting twice a year), raw water drinking water, aquaculture and flood control are managed by Housing Services Trita II.
Besides functioning as hydropower with runoff system in the world, the region has many recreational facilities Jatiluhur adequate, are like hotels and bungalows, bar and restaurant, tennis courts, billiard, campground, swimming pool with water slide, meeting rooms, recreational facilities and water sports , playground and other facilities. Water sports and recreation facilities such as kayaking, windsurfing, boat cruises, water skiing, boating and more.
In the waters of Lake Jatiluhur there are also floating net fish farming, which is the main attraction. At the time of the day or in the stillness of the night we could induce calmness while enjoying grilled fish.


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