
This blog tell about earthly paradise tourism in the world. You can choose which beautiful place for your great vacation

Friday, August 31, 2012

Parai Tenggiri Coast

Parai Beach Sungailiat located in the city, 40 km to the north of the city of Kuala Pinang. The beach is providing unique charm and luxury that exist on the island of Bangka, Indonesia. Parai Beach mackerel are located in the area Matras, precisely in the small bay flanked rock. At first, people called this beach River as Liat Hakok beach location then as mackerel beach.
Parai Beach is the most beautiful beach of the eastern coast dideretan Bangka Island. Since the first when he was called Hakok, this beach is the most popular area for local people dikunjunggi. There are many rocks on this beach, like a very beautiful natural decorations.
At the left end of the beach, there is a cluster of rocks in order to slick and called Rock Island. At night, visitors can relax while enjoying a delicious meal and a drink bar, while listening to the waves hit the rocks


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