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Friday, August 31, 2012

Kerinci Mountain

Mount Kerinci (also spelled "Kerintji", and is known as the Mountain Tower, Volcano Kurinci, Kerinchi, Korinci, or Indrapura Peak) is the highest mountain in Sumatra, Indonesia's highest volcano and the highest peak in Indonesia outside of Papua. Mount Kerinci located in Bukit Barisan Mountains, near the west coast, and is located approximately 130 km south of Padang. The mountain is surrounded by dense forests of Kerinci Seblat National Park and is the habitat of Sumatran tigers and Sumatran rhinos.
The summit of Mount Kerinci is at altitude 3805 masl, here visitors can see beautiful scenery in the distance spanned provincial city, Padang and Bengkulu. Even the vast Indian Ocean can be seen clearly. Mount Kerinci has a crater measuring 400 x 120 meters and contains green-colored water. In the east there is a lake Bento, clear watery swamp highest in Sumatra. Behind him there is a mountain with a crater seven exquisite virtually untouched.
Mount Kerinci is a type of volcano is still active stratovolcano that last erupted in 2009. A very lovely place to visit enjoy the cool nature.


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