
This blog tell about earthly paradise tourism in the world. You can choose which beautiful place for your great vacation

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ngobaran Beach

Ngobaran located in rural districts Kanigoro Saptosari Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, Indonesia is an unspoiled beach and very beautiful. From a district Gunungkidul Wonosari is about 35 miles to the south.
Ngobaran is pretty exotic beaches. If low tide, you can see the spread of the algae (seaweed) both green and brown. When viewed from above, the spread of algae growing on the sidelines of the reef looks like a field in a densely populated area. Dozens of marine animals are also on the sidelines of the reef, ranging from sea urchins, starfish, shellfish until the group.
But that is not contained in the other shore is the charm of culture, ranging from construction to food locals. One such interest is the place of worship for four religions or beliefs stood together


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