
This blog tell about earthly paradise tourism in the world. You can choose which beautiful place for your great vacation

Monday, September 17, 2012

Kodingareng Keke Island

Kodingareng Keke Island is a small island uninhabited. This island is 13.6 km from the city of Makassar, Indonesia.
This island has beautiful scenery with white sand that surrounds each side. It is an attraction for the island that started this crowded by tourists.
Besides the beauty of the island, the underwater beauty nor interesting time. Shape of a sloping topography with water clarity reaches 15 meters, making it as one of the favorite locations for the diver diving in Makassar.
In addition to the condition of coral reefs are still good, different types of biota can be encountered, such as nudibaranc, fish that live on coral reefs, Pelagic, Black spoted sting rays, and if lucky, we can

Talise Beach

Talise beach is nautical tourism by having a panoramic expanse of the bay and the mountains are so fascinating. In addition, this beach is perfect for sports activities, such as swimming, windsurfing (wind surfing), water sky, diving, fishing, etc.
Existence which is close to the city center make this beach visited by many migrants and people of Palu itself. Beautiful scenery in Talise beach as the sun before sunrise. The beach is nice to visit during the late afternoon before sunset and during the evening while enjoying snacks and beverages such as fried bananas, banana Eppe, maize, tea / coffee, sarabba. Disore and evenings are also used as family recreation and the youth

Palippis Beach

Palippis beach panoramic beauty of nature known as the sea is very exotic. Palippis beaches are located on the axis of West Sulawesi province, Indonesia, precisely in the village of Bala Balanipa district is about 20 km from the capital Polewali Mandar, in addition to white sand that extends, along the coast seemed too natural beauty with rolling hills and rock cliffs and natural caves in Lawuang elongated and continued with Palippis beach (about a three kilo meters), in the region can also be found which resembles a canyon cliffs, a bat cave which is located on a hill that runs not far from the beach.

Limboto Lake

Limboto Lake is a lake located in District Limboto, Gorontalo, Gorontalo province, Indonesia. This lake has a depth of between 5 to 8 meters, the end or the tourists can enjoy various activities such as, fishing, boating competitions, or swimming. In addition, they can also enjoy the fresh grilled fish supplied by local fishermen society with a relatively cheap.
Lake Limboto widely from year to year and the depth is steadily decreasing. Limboto vast lake in 1999 ranged between 1900-3000 ha, with a depth of 2-4 meters (Fisheries Branch Gorontalo Regency, 2000). In 1932, the vast waters reached 7,000 ha.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Senggigi Beach

Senggigi Beach is a famous tourist spot in Lombok. It is located on the west coast of the island of Lombok, Indonesia. Senggigi Beach is smaller than Kuta Beach in Bali, but once we were here will feel like staying in Kuta Beach, Bali. Entering the area of ​​Senggigi Beach, tourists seta immediately greeted by a soothing gentle breeze. Coastal beaches are still beautiful, even if there are still strewn garbage foliage because rarely cleaned. Very beautiful underwater scenery, and tourists can do as much snorkeling as the waves are not too big. Ketengah towering coral reefs cause large waves broke in the middle. There are also hotels with varying prices, from expensive to economically valuable hotel

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Ranu Kumbolo is a mountain lake in Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia. It Simeru Tengger Mountains, at the foot of Mount Semeru. The extent of 15 acres. Ranu Kumbolo located at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level, as well as a resting place for hikers and campers. However, the lake is not an easy journey. You have to walk for 4-5 hours and through challenging terrain. The ride was enough to drain stamina.
Arriving at Ranu Kumbolo, fatigue seemed to break even with a charm that you will feel. The scenery around the lake is very calm eye. The combination of evergreen trees, shrubs, green, and blue sky, a reflection of its own. Not to forget, Ranu Kumbolo charm will steal your heart
Ranu Kumbolo as a refreshing oasis. The combination of natural green and fresh view of the lake, is guaranteed to remove any kind of fatigue you. Plus the atmosphere is cool and airy, Ranu Kumbolo deserves to be called as a perfect place to relax.

Karimunjawa Islands

Karimunjawa are islands in the Java Sea included in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. With an area of ​​1500 hectares of land and waters ± 110 000 ± acres, Karimunjawa now developed into a tourist charm Marine Park which began much-loved local and foreign tourists.

Publications are islands in the Java Sea included in Jepara, Central Java. With an area of ​​1500 hectares of land and waters ± 110 000 ± acres, Karimunjawa now developed into a tourist charm Marine Park which began much-loved local and foreign tourists.
Since the date of March 15, 2001, set by the government Karimunjawa Jepara as a National Park. Publications is home to coral reefs, mangroves, coastal forests, and nearly 400 species of marine fauna, including 242 species of ornamental fish. Some rare fauna berhabitat here is the sea eagle white chest, hawksbill and green turtles.
Plants that characterized National Park Karimunjawa the Dewadaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) found in lowland rainforest.
Waves in Karimunjawa is low and tame, bounded by the coastal mostly fine white sand beaches.

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Shaped stupa temple was founded by the Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800's AD during the reign of Sailendra dynasty. This monument comprises six square terraces on which there are three circular courtyard, the walls are decorated with original 2672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues there. The main stupa in the middle of the biggest teletak once crowned this building, surrounded by three rows of circular 72 perforated stupa in which there are statues of buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfectly with the mudra (hand gesture) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).
Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage; each year Buddhists who come from all over Indonesia and abroad gather at Borobudur to commemorate Vesak Trisuci. In the world of tourism, tourism Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist

Baron Beach

Baron Beach is located in the village of Kemadang, Tanjungsari District, about 20 km south of the city Wonosari (40 km from the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia). The beach was a witness to the meeting between sea water and fresh water, which is the result of the river which empties into the corner of the beach baron, as a symbol of two hearts berpadunya despite differences in background.
The tourists will be spoiled with the beauty of the wind that drove waves tuk making out with sand, so patiently waiting for her lover. The results of such wealth Baron large shrimp (lobster), white pomfret, snapper, tuna is ready to pamper guests, whether they are fresh or prepared foods. As a recommendation, here is a menu mainstay snapper soup.
A moment passed is very dear Alms Sea Ceremony organized by the local fishing communities suro every month in the Javanese calendar, as an expression of gratitude to God Almighty on an abundance of seafood that has been given.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sepanjang Beach

If you want to enjoy the nostalgic feel of the old days Kuta beach, Sepanjang beach is the perfect place. Along has a long coastline, white sand that is still awake, and the waves are. You can just choose to sunbathe on the sand enjoying the sun, splitting the waves with a surfboard, or just look at the beauty of the beach. Everything you enjoy so arrived at the beach a few kilometers from the Sundak Beach.
Along the coast is a newly opened beach. The name "Sepanjang" is given as characteristic of this coast which has the longest coastline among all the beaches in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sepanjang Beach is very natural atmosphere. Decorated shoreline vegetation and palm-roofed huts of dried leaves. Reefs in coastal tidal areas still maintained. Still surf waves reflect blue sea water mark that has not been contaminated. With the atmosphere, it is not wrong if the local government and investors plan to make this beach as a second Kuta Beach.

Sundak Beach

Sundak, a beach district Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, precisely in the village district Sidoharjo Tepus. Being in the ranks of the south coast lined with beaches Kukup, Krakal, Drini, Along the Beach and Baron.
Sheets of white sand stretching along the shore, waiting for the waves that kissed tenderly ran longing harbored an extremely deep, providing eye comfort look. A breeze caressed the leaves waving at the end of the branches that grow around the coast of soothing peace seekers.
Stretch of shoreline reefs bergincu tiny marine playground nan adorable. Corals that stands firmly as Coast guard Sundak nan sturdy and brave. Limestone hills in the background adds elegance towering coastal and inland sea meeting the southern coast of Java.

Indrayanti Beach

Indrayanti beach located in the coastal districts Sundak Tepus Gunungkidul district, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. White sandy beaches that extend from the East to the West is fairly new and quite wonderful. Besides its beauty, the beach is pretty clean, because this beach managers to impose fines on any visitors if caught littering.
Is jetsky beach provides several pieces that can be rented beach visitors to enjoy the beauty of the beach from the other side, in addition to pleasure berjetsky fun course. After berjetsky, visitors can play at the seashore while playing seawater and enjoy the waves that swept the coast or it could be sunbathing.
On the west side of the entrance to the beach, there are mountains of rock were quite large and beautiful. Behind the coral white sandy beaches are wide enough.

Ngobaran Beach

Ngobaran located in rural districts Kanigoro Saptosari Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, Indonesia is an unspoiled beach and very beautiful. From a district Gunungkidul Wonosari is about 35 miles to the south.
Ngobaran is pretty exotic beaches. If low tide, you can see the spread of the algae (seaweed) both green and brown. When viewed from above, the spread of algae growing on the sidelines of the reef looks like a field in a densely populated area. Dozens of marine animals are also on the sidelines of the reef, ranging from sea urchins, starfish, shellfish until the group.
But that is not contained in the other shore is the charm of culture, ranging from construction to food locals. One such interest is the place of worship for four religions or beliefs stood together

Monday, September 3, 2012

Batu Karas

Attraction of this one is a mix of natural shades between attraction Pangandaran and Batu Hiu with a serene natural atmosphere, ocean waves friendship with sloping beaches make visitors feel at home living in this area. Located in the village of Batukaras, District Cijulang a distance of ± 34 km from Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia.
Sloping beaches with calm blue sea, Batukaras Coast Restaurant awaits you to swim immediately enjoy the fresh water.
You can enjoy the quiet atmosphere with a gentle breeze enjoying a meal in a restaurant are available. The view off into the horizon to give you peace and memories of a fun vacation.
The cottage Batukaras Tourism has activities to do beside swim include: boating on the river, camping and surfing.
accommodation has been provided for you, there are cottage is equipped with playground and houses of worship

Pangandaran Beach

Pangandaran Beach is Ciamis District attractions which is the belle of the beach in West Java is located in the Village Pananjung a distance of 92 km from the town of Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia.
Pangadaran Beach has a variety of features, that is, we can see the sunrise and sunset from the same place. Sloping beaches with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long to allow people to swim safely. Then, there is a beach with white sand forests where every visitor can see the coral reefs and ornamental fish clearly. On the white sand coastline, visitors can do the dives.

Muara Beting Beach

Muara Beting Beach is located in the village of Muara District Unhappy Gembong, Bekasi. Estuary Coastal Shelf is in the process of development as a potential tourist attraction in Bekasi, West Jawav, Indonesia.
Conservation area located at Muara Gembong Citarum the north river estuary Flag Beaches and Coastal Shelf estuary are measuring 70 hectares of mangrove forests where many migratory birds from South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean every year when the current location of the typhoon storm / wind from the Pacific to China south in September to February resulting in concentration of migratory birds in this place. In addition there are also birds that are rare black monkey and crocodile swamp types.

Situ Patengan

There Patengan, comes from Sundanese language, "Pateangan-teangan" which means each search. Wsata object is located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It is said that there used to be a pair of lovebirds Ki Rengganis Santang and loving Goddess. They parted for so long, and each search. Eventually they met in a place called Stone Love. Goddess Rengganis also asked for a lake and a boat to sail together. The boat is what until then had been a heart-shaped island (Asmara island / island Sasaka).
Stone Love reportedly AsmaraKonon Island, for couples that surround Asmara island and stopped to rock love will find eternal love like a couple. Without wasting a chance, we had hired a boat and circled the island and stopped to stone Love. On the way, the boatman tells Asmara also that the island is haunted, and may only be visited by visitors if it is to get permission and be accompanied by the gatekeeper

White Crater (Kawah Putih)

The place is located in the Ciwidey, Bandung in West Java, Indonesia. The scenery is quite beautiful, it's cold. On the mountain, there is a stretch of white sand, and in the middle there is a green lake, a view that is quite a contrast. Even when I was there, there was a bride and groom who were taking for pre-wedding photos.
Beautiful place was reportedly discovered by a Dutchman named Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuh. He did not believe the stories about people who say the area is haunted, because the residence jinns and spirits. So there is no animal that passes even the birds that fly across it to death. It found a lake, in which there are bursts of sulfur, so the animals do not like the smell of it.

Thermal Baths Cimanggu

Travel Outdoor hot springs located at the foot Cimanggu Patuha South Bandung Regency Bandung, Indonesia, with a height of approximately 1,100 m asl which are surrounding a broad expanse of tea plantations.
In this area these attractions visitors can stroll leisurely while enjoying the cool air and natural beauty around the attractions that have gently sloping terrain and a bit bumpy areas.
Ciwidey area which is the area where Hot Cimanggu located. The area is very rich in natural hot springs with sulfur content that can be used for therapeutic healing various diseases such as skin and rheumatic diseases.