
This blog tell about earthly paradise tourism in the world. You can choose which beautiful place for your great vacation

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sepanjang Beach

If you want to enjoy the nostalgic feel of the old days Kuta beach, Sepanjang beach is the perfect place. Along has a long coastline, white sand that is still awake, and the waves are. You can just choose to sunbathe on the sand enjoying the sun, splitting the waves with a surfboard, or just look at the beauty of the beach. Everything you enjoy so arrived at the beach a few kilometers from the Sundak Beach.
Along the coast is a newly opened beach. The name "Sepanjang" is given as characteristic of this coast which has the longest coastline among all the beaches in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sepanjang Beach is very natural atmosphere. Decorated shoreline vegetation and palm-roofed huts of dried leaves. Reefs in coastal tidal areas still maintained. Still surf waves reflect blue sea water mark that has not been contaminated. With the atmosphere, it is not wrong if the local government and investors plan to make this beach as a second Kuta Beach.


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