
This blog tell about earthly paradise tourism in the world. You can choose which beautiful place for your great vacation

Monday, September 3, 2012

Batu Karas

Attraction of this one is a mix of natural shades between attraction Pangandaran and Batu Hiu with a serene natural atmosphere, ocean waves friendship with sloping beaches make visitors feel at home living in this area. Located in the village of Batukaras, District Cijulang a distance of ± 34 km from Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia.
Sloping beaches with calm blue sea, Batukaras Coast Restaurant awaits you to swim immediately enjoy the fresh water.
You can enjoy the quiet atmosphere with a gentle breeze enjoying a meal in a restaurant are available. The view off into the horizon to give you peace and memories of a fun vacation.
The cottage Batukaras Tourism has activities to do beside swim include: boating on the river, camping and surfing.
accommodation has been provided for you, there are cottage is equipped with playground and houses of worship


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