
This blog tell about earthly paradise tourism in the world. You can choose which beautiful place for your great vacation

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Baron Beach

Baron Beach is located in the village of Kemadang, Tanjungsari District, about 20 km south of the city Wonosari (40 km from the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia). The beach was a witness to the meeting between sea water and fresh water, which is the result of the river which empties into the corner of the beach baron, as a symbol of two hearts berpadunya despite differences in background.
The tourists will be spoiled with the beauty of the wind that drove waves tuk making out with sand, so patiently waiting for her lover. The results of such wealth Baron large shrimp (lobster), white pomfret, snapper, tuna is ready to pamper guests, whether they are fresh or prepared foods. As a recommendation, here is a menu mainstay snapper soup.
A moment passed is very dear Alms Sea Ceremony organized by the local fishing communities suro every month in the Javanese calendar, as an expression of gratitude to God Almighty on an abundance of seafood that has been given.


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