
This blog tell about earthly paradise tourism in the world. You can choose which beautiful place for your great vacation

Monday, September 17, 2012

Kodingareng Keke Island

Kodingareng Keke Island is a small island uninhabited. This island is 13.6 km from the city of Makassar, Indonesia.
This island has beautiful scenery with white sand that surrounds each side. It is an attraction for the island that started this crowded by tourists.
Besides the beauty of the island, the underwater beauty nor interesting time. Shape of a sloping topography with water clarity reaches 15 meters, making it as one of the favorite locations for the diver diving in Makassar.
In addition to the condition of coral reefs are still good, different types of biota can be encountered, such as nudibaranc, fish that live on coral reefs, Pelagic, Black spoted sting rays, and if lucky, we can


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